Embedded librarian in a K-12 setting is one who collaborates meaningfully with teachers, administrators, and the extended learning community Custom Paper

    Embedded Librarian
    To me, an embedded librarian in a K-12 setting is one who collaborates meaningfully with teachers, administrators, and the extended learning community (including parents and public libraries). Just from what you read in the article below and what you know of libraries, how could you, as a school librarian, advocate for collaboration between yourself and your learning community. List one or two ideas.

    Henry, R. (2013). The embedded librarian for K-12 schools. Library Media Connection, 31(4), 22-23.

    (Note: if you are off campus, this link probably won’t work. Go to the TTU Library databases and use the "Library Literature and Information Science Full-Text" database.)

    Now think about the school libraries you have been in – either working, as a student, as a teacher, even as a parent – why do school librarians need to be embedded? What can an embedded (collaborative) librarian do for a school, especially in concerns to the Common Core State Standards?

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