Email, text message, instant messenger etiqutte

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    The small research article that you produce should be about two to three typed, double-spaced pages in length.  I would ask that you use MLA format for the purposes of properly addressing your in-text citations and a works cited page. I will be grading you equally on the content and the quality of your writing/research. 

    I would ask that you both summarize and anaylze the material that you gather as research.  You do not have to limit your research to newspaper articles, but should feel free to use news magazines such as Time if you prefer. I’d suggest using the electronic databases that are available on the E.H. Butler Library homepage through the Buffalo State College website to do your research.  The assignment asks that you access “three recent articles about email etiquette.”  For myself, the word “recent” means within the last three years.

    Go to this link for the database
    type in the search box email netiquette
    please cite 3 recent articles in text and a work cited page
    database sign on: dohertmt01

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