El Salvador feasibility report

    El Salvador feasibility report
    Business and Management
    • You have a choice to work individually or in a team. A team can be up to 5 people maximum (does not have to be your previous team).
    • Scenario: The corporation for whom you work has assigned you to investigate whether to conduct business in a developing country. You are to research different aspects of the country you find relevant in making your recommendation. This is setting up a company (manufacturing or retail etc.) in the actual country. The question at issue, “should we or should we not conduct business in our country?”
    • Choose a company (suggest Fortune 500 companies) and research the feasibility of conducting or not conducting business in a developing country. You must choose a country from the list provided (see file “Countries”).
    • Aspects:
    o IN DEPTH: Culture (cultural attitudes toward women and children, education level of workers in the country, values and attitudes, religious customs, physical environment)
    o BRIEF: Labor conditions (choose safety and fairness or labor laws, or availability of skilled and unskilled workers)
    o BRIEF: Economic and/or political conditions
    o BRIEF: Competition (local and/or international)

    • You are required to have a minimum of five sources. Wikipedia is not allowed as a source. Adherence to MLA 7th edition guidelines in the presentation of the report and Works Cited page.

    General Source: Newspaper (i.e. New York Times), magazine, internet sites
    Secondary Source: Books or internet sites such as CIA World FactBook or CountryWatch
    Primary Source: Abstract or Journal
    Approximate length is 5-10 pages typed, double-spaced, 11-point Times New Roman font, MS Word default margins, excluding appendix material and references; cover page with title of report, name(s).
    See file: Report Organization
    • Abstract: An abstract is a brief 100-200 word summary of your research paper and is used to help the reader quickly ascertain the paper’s purpose. It is at the beginning of the paper. NOTE: EACH person is required to write their own abstract of the research paper (even if you are on a team). You CANNOT use or copy your team members abstract. Each person’s abstract will be graded for their personal WRITING COMPETENCY. There will be NO chance to resubmit. Please refer to your syllabus for help and details of the writing competency.
    • Culture must be covered IN DEPTH and the remaining aspects covered in brief
    • All references must be cited properly within the report.
    • It is very important you use your CRITICAL THINKING SKILLS to justify your recommendation. You will be graded 50% on research and 50% on critical thinking skills. This is NOT a traditional research paper—it is a research feasibility study that answers the question at issue, “should we or should we not conduct business in our country?” You need to analyze your research with why it would be important and relevant to your company and question at issue. See grading guide for more detail.

    • The company and country you choose must be logical. Don’t choose a company and country that would obviously not do business. For example, choosing Walmart and hoping to do business in a very poor country ravaged with economic and political unsettledness may not make sense. As far as companies, remember “manufacturing” as these may make more sense in some of the countries.
    If you choose to work in a team, each member MUST participate equally. If a member is not participating (slug alert) and you have tried to get their cooperation, contact me as soon as possible! I will most likely eliminate them from your team if I cannot get a resolution. You may also choose to have points deducted from their team grade. Remember, it is a privilege to work in a team, NOT a right.

    This information should help define for you the requirements for your formal report. Your written report in Word will be graded carefully for the requirements outlined as well as quality of content, grammar, format, style, clarity, proofreading and editing and overall writing competency as outlined in the syllabus. Do not forget to include the first and last name of your group members on your cover page.
    I chose El Salvador . The company is Caterpillar. Opening a manufacturing plant in El Salvador



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