effects of video games on relationships

    I will upload 3 interviews transcribed

    Spend time organizing the data. You should spend time organizing the data by themes. Themes are organized ways of demonstrating patterns of social behavior. It is very useful to think of a title to give each theme you notice. Once you have done this, you should pick bits of data that help to demonstrate themes. For example, you might want to pull certain quotes to provide an example of a certain theme, or focus on particular events or interactions from your interviews.  Then you should spend some time trying to analyze and interpret the evidence. Throughout this process, you need to provide the reader with examples from your data to support your analysis. However, do not simply include examples without explaining and interpreting these findings. The rule of thumb is three examples to illustrate each theme.

    also i will need
    Overall, what can we learn from this research? How do you see this work helping to understand some aspect of social life?
    Summary of your results
    Limitations of study
    Implications for future study

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