Effects of Chemicals: This week you have been exploring the effect of chemicals in the environment on health Custom Essay

    Visit the ATSDR Web site and choose an agent from the list of toxicological profiles. Next, using the two online journals presented on the Resources page (Human & Experimental Toxicology and Journal of Exposure Science & Environmental Epidemiology), find two articles that describe research on this agent: one with a toxicology focus and one with an epidemiology focus. If you cannot find two articles, you will need to choose a different agent.

    Identify the agent that you selected for research.

    Discuss the important exposure pathways for the agent being studied, citing sources, including ATSDR and any others you used.

    Give a brief description of the two studies. To describe a study, summarize the study aim, methods, results, and practical application of the information for each article, using your own words and citing as necessary.

    Provide a summary that describes the similarities and differences in the toxicology versus the epidemiology methods for studying this agent and what is gained from each.

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