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    ? Are there schools in the area?
    ? Is there a library?
    ? Are the schools private or public?
    ? Does the area offer early development programs?
    ? What are the Achievement Scores /Standardized Testing Scores?
    ? What are the Drop-out Rates?
    ? Are there many residents with English as Second Language issues?
    ? What is the literacy level of all age groups? Is it where it should be?
    ? Are there teacher shortages?
    ? Is there school violence?
    ? Are there After School Programs?
    ? What are the significant crime rates of the area? (domestic violence, drugs, gangs, murder, robbery, etc.)
    ? Are there Prevention Programs for the types of crimes?
    ? Are there Intervention Programs for the types of crimes?
    ? Is there Transitional Housing for victims of crime?
    ? Is there a Teen Pregnancy Program?
    ? What is the Juvenile Incarceration data? Is there a Rehabilitation Program available?
    ? Is there a Fire Department in the area? If not, what is the distance to the nearest Fire Department?
    ? Is there an Emergency Preparedness Program in effect for the area?

    Senior Care
    ? Is in-home care available?
    ? Is there a nursing home available?
    ? Do at home seniors have adequate prescription drug access?

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    People on the Street
    ? What type of people do you see on the street?
    ? Do you see anyone you do would not expect? e.g. Children during the day, unemployed males
    ? Do you see any pets? What type, dogs on a leash or ?watchdogs??
    ? Are there police officers present?
    ? Do people appear friendly?are they willing to talk?
    ? Are the people dressed the way you would expect?

    ? Do you see indicators of different ethnic groups (i.e. signs in other languages, ethnic grocery stores or restaurants)?
    ? What races or ethnic groups do you see?

    ? Are there churches, temples, or mosques in the area?
    ? Are there different religions represented?
    ? What is the condition of the buildings?

    ? What magazines and newspapers are in the stores and on the streets?
    ? Is there a bookstore?
    ? Do you see TV antennas and satellite dishes

    Health & Morbidity
    ? Do you see evidence of acute or chronic diseases or conditions?
    ? Are there doctor and dentist offices?
    ? Are there clinics or hospitals?
    ? Are there Urgent Care facilities, Alternative Health facilities (folk medicine, Acupuncture, etc)?
    ? Is free or low cost health care available? (Including prenatal care)
    ? Is there a Public Health Unit in the area?
    ? Are immunizations available even for the poor?

    Another role of the professional nurse in community health includes planning and developing programs and services (interventions, actions) to prevent or reduce the chance of illness or injury to their community. Programs and services may also be needed to manage current illnesses or needs of persons within the community.

    Specific to your chosen community, answer the following questions professionally written in APA format to include:
    – a title page,
    – maximum of a 3-page discussion within body, and
    – reference page.
    Support your responses with scholarly sources of information mostly from peer-reviewed nursing journals. You may also include some scholarly sources from other disciplines.

    1. What do you see as the #1 health risk hazard (or existing need) in your community?

    2. What would your goal be for this health risk hazard (or existing need)?

    3. What interventions, plans, actions (strategy) would be needed to help the community reach the goal? (Chapter 13 in your textbook will be helpful.)

    4. Why do you think the aforementioned interventions, plans or actions would make a difference in impacting change for the identified health risk hazard (or existing need)?

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