Editting my Last Ordre “Informal Observational Project”

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    Edit this paper based on the comments provided on the attached file and the one provided here.
    My Writer have to be aware of Piaget and Vygotsky theory. NO MORE THAN 500 Words. I Will lose grade if it is more than 500 words This is the Question
    By the time this assignment is due, students would have had the opportunity to develop insights on a number of psychological theories, principles, or application issues. This task requires students to report on an informal observation of a child of any age in a naturalistic setting (home, child care center, classroom, community of school playground, grocery store, etc). It is designed as an opportunity for students to “see” a practical manifestation of any of the many ideas and principles they have acquired through this course. The observation could be designed to test a specific idea/principle (such as self-regulation, strategy use, or ability to perform an operation as predicted by Piaget and Vygotsky theory) or simply interpret an observed behavior/occurrence/situation from [a] particular theoretical perspective(s). The paper should be no more than 500 words long and should provide the rationale for the observation, indicate
    the observational context, report the observation, and interpret it from the perspective of any number of theories or principles of interest.
    This is another comments. There are detailed comments on the file as well

    I have reviewed my grading of your paper and concluded that you
    have not reported an observation. if you like to take advantage of my offer to resubmit the paper, I will be glad to renew the offer. If you decide to resubmit, you should get it to me by on Saturday, April 26.

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