Introduction. This assignment constitutes an opportunity for the student to research a topic in great depth and to generate a product that examines the topic in a complete and detailed manner. The student should be aware of the fact that this assignment constitutes 35% of the overall lecture grade and thus, should not be taken lightly. This is the student’s opportunity to demonstrate efforts that go above-and-beyond the call of duty, in defiance of less-than-stellar exam scores.
Procedure. The student will choose one topic below and will clear that topic with the professor. The student should be aware of the fact that one or more students might share the same topic. The student should likewise be aware of the fact that the professor will be examining the papers for similarities. Once the professor approves the topic the student researches the topic and will write a complete assessment of the topic with all sources documented in the text, as well as a complete listing of the sources in a References section at the conclusion of the paper.
Note on Late Submission. The complete term paper, as a hardcopy, must be handed in to the instructor on or before the due date published in the syllabus. The grade on the term paper will be debited 10 percentage points for every day that it is late.
Grading Rubric (based on 200 pts)
Baseline Grade 80
Content Quantity
Superior 20
Expected 10
Minimal 5
Content Detail
Superior 20
Expected 10
Minimal 5
Content Accuracy
Superior 20
Expected 10
Minimal 5
Above-and-Beyond 10
Expected 5
Inappropriate 0
Superior 10
Organization Evident 5
Organization Not Evident 0
Literature Citations in Text
Present 5
Absent 0
Reference Quantity and Quality
Superior 15
Expected 10
Below Standard 5
References List
Complete and Appropriate Format 10
Incomplete or Inappropriate Format 0
Superior 10
Expected 5
Not Acceptable 0