
    Paper instructions:
    Selecting the right person to interview is important as you will not be able fully complete the assignment without having a person who has managerial decision making and accountability for the business or organization.

    This assignment will be due on JUNE 3, 2014 and you will upload on blackboard located under Course Material. You will be required to interview a decision maker of a company or corporation, document the interview and write a final paper. The interview will be conducted to learn how this individual makes managerial decisions concerning the economics of their business and how those decisions have affected the overall business strategies for the company or corporation.
    Using what you have learned in this course you must interweave models or learning’s from the text in your written paper. Correct use of citing and a reference page is required.
    Your paper can be an informative paper or even a paper where you are making observations of this company or corporation and create a paper that provides suggestions for future improvements, recommendations or request for approval to proceed with changes necessary to improve a process or an outcome. You could also do a compare contrast between two difference decision makers in different companies.
    Your paper should be between 5 and 7 pages double spaced Times New Roman 12 point font. It must follow College of Business MLA standards

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