Economic Terms and Health Care History Custom Essay

    Course: HCS 440 Economics: The financing of Health Care (University of Phoenix)

    Book: Getzen, T. E., & Allen, B. (2007). Health care economics: Principles and tools for the health care industry. Danvers, MA: Wiley.

    Complete the Economic Terms Exercise in Week One of the student website.

    Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper in which you include the following:

    ? Describe the history and evolution of health care economics and the timeline of health care funding, using defined terms.
    ? Include a minimum of 3 outside resources and the textbook.

    Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Follow 70-30 rule (Using no more than 30% of copied and citied material).
    Submit your paper and a copy of the completed exercise to your facilitator.

    You may perform additional research (be sure to use quality sources). However, remember it is
    important to not merely copy an excerpt. Rather follow the 70/30 Rule when writing ? 70% your
    contribution and only 30% from outside sources.
    Think and then write! Ideas for content include:

    Elaborate on the topic,

    Provide further explanation,

    Provide persuasive analysis,

    Provide practical exercises ,

    Present practical personal experiences

    *Here is a complete list of defined terms needed for this assignment*
    (Economics; Supply and Demand; Microeconomics; Macroeconomics; Elasticity; Inelasticity; and Gross Domestic Product)

    Thank you!!!!!!

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