Ecology Experiment Simulation

    Ecology Experiment Simulation

    Writer must first download a program which will enable him/her to access the actual assignment. Should take about 4 minutes.

    Begin by going to this link
    Click on "SIGN IN HERE"

    First time logging in it will send you to the previous page showing
    "You are already registered for the course associated with this access key’"
    Do not worry, just repeat and login again using the same information.
    Once logged in Download "SimUText Installer" to your respective windows or mac
    Once downloaded use the same login information in order to log into the program
    Once in click on "LAB: Barnacle Zone(WB)"
    A "Getting Started" pop up will appear and on it click "Open Workbook"
    That should bring you to a file where you only need to focus on "Exercise 4: On Your Own" on the 14th page or "Sec1:13"

    Here is the actual assignment
    Follow all the steps listed on the file.
    Be sure to keep the "SimUText" program up as it is needed to carry out the report.
    Where it says Select an exercise: A drop down menu will appear and select "On Your Own" read the information presented on the right under Library to gather information on the species you will be making a hypothesis on.

    Report should include
    a) a statement of your hypothesis and predictions
    b) a description of your experiment
    c) presentation of your results (using tables and/or graphs, where applicable), and
    d) a discussion of your results as they pertain to your original hypothesis (were your predictions confirmed? Why or why not? What other experiments or changes would you suggest in the future?)

    Due no later than Tuesday, September 10th, 1013 at 8:30 AM


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