EA practice in Canada

    EA practice in Canada

    Review of that EA practice in Canada in light of discussions in class (lectures, guest speakers, and readings in our text), as well as your work on your project.
    – You are to prepare a review of EA practice in Canada; your response must be limited to 2000 words (unlike the project, this is firm; it can be less – more is not necessarily better).
    – Your response will be to select two specific gaps and recommendation to address these. This should follow a preamble to introduce these gaps. These gaps may be policy, scientific, or consultation related. The argument should be backed up with cited examples (references to other EAs, literature (e.g., journal articles, our text, opinion pieces from stakeholder groups, etc. – just not wikipedia). Recommendations may be original thought or referenced accordingly.

    What have to be included:
    Excellent explanation and justification of the gaps; logical and concise presentation; well demonstrated understanding of EA practice in Canada as identified in this course, including weaknesses; recommendations are appropriate and well thought out



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