
    [ E-COMMERCE MODULE ] – Degree Level

    The topic for this assignment is E-retail.

    The E-retail website chosen for this assignment is Zalora (https://www.zalora.sg)

    The writer is required to investigate the services of the chosen e-retailer.

    – Trace the purchasing process
    – Investigate the catalogues, layout, search engines, shopping carts, and any other mechanism that improves e-shopping
    – Look at services offered, site usability and design, and so on
    – What works well?
    – What could be improved?
    – Focus on User-centred site design and customer experience management

    Writer is required to use sources of information and relevant theory from
    Lecture materials and some useful required reading list that I have uploaded:

    – Lecture 1a Introduction to Digital Business and E-commerce
    – Lecture 10 User-Centred Site Design
    – Chaffey (2015) Focus on User-centred site design and customer experience management pp. 538–562

    Do your own research in:
    Academic journals for relevant theory and ideas
    Trade journals for discussions of e-retail sites


    Please provide AT LEAST 5 or 6 academic references. Wikipedia, website and newspapers are not academic references. Books and Journals are. Also ensure that plagiarism check is below 25%.

    Must include:
    – Relevant theory
    – Harvard-style in-text references, e.g. Chaffey (2015)
    – Separate bibliography for each section

    May include:
    – Screenshots of Zalora website to support your explanations.
    – Charts
    (Submit in PDF format to preserve your layout)

    Please kindly ensure that there is an introduction and a conclusion in the essay. The conclusion is a summary of the essay, it is a short response to the question posted.

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