Dual Relationships within the Therapeutic Process”

    Dual Relationships within the Therapeutic Process”

    Order Description
    Does Chapter One contain (in the following order):
    Title Page
    Table of Contents
    Problem Background
    Purpose of the Study
    Research Questions &/or Hypotheses Limitations of the Study
    Delimitations of the Study
    Definition of Terms
    Importance (or Significance) of the Study Reference List
    Yes No N/A
    ____ ____ ____
    ____ ____ ____
    ____ ____ ____
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    If the answer is “yes” to all questions, evaluate the contents of chapter 1 using the criteria below. If any applicable parts are missing from the list above, instruct the candidate to revise and resubmit.
    Criteria for Evaluating Chapter One:
    1) Does the Problem Background make a case for the existence of a problem and appropriateness of the topic to be studied?
    2) Has the problem been clearly delineated?
    3) Does the problem (and topic) have intellectual merit worthy of doctoral dissertation research?
    Yes No N/A
    ____ ____ ____
    ____ ____ ____
    ____ ____ ____
    4) Is the Purpose of the Study written declaratively in clear, concise and specific terms?
    5) Does the purpose statement accurately reflect the primary research objective and goals of the study?
    6) Are the research questions of appropriate number and scope (not too broad or too narrow)?
    7) Are the hypotheses stated clearly, expressing the relationship between the variables in operational (measurable) terms?
    8) Do the research questions and/or hypotheses support/align with the purpose of the study?
    9) Can you anticipate appropriate data that can be collected to support/answer each Research Question and/or Hypotheses?
    10) Do the limitations realistically describe the parameters of the study (without being too broad or too restrictive to be useful in reaching the purpose of the study)?
    11) Do the delimitations describe the limits of the study’s design without being so restrictive as to threaten the quality or credibility of the research?
    12) Are the Definitions clearly defined and consistent with the existing research and literature?
    13) Does the Significance of the Study describe the potential of the study to impact change, contribute to existing theory and/or apply to other venues?
    ____ ____ ____
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    ____ ____ ____
    If the answer is “no” to any of the above questions, work with the candidate on rewriting or refining the deficient area(s) of chapter one.
    Other Considerations: Yes No
    Does chapter one display a good command of written
    language and mechanics? ____
    Does chapter one display a reasonably good command of
    APA (citations, references, quotes, headings, etc.) ____
    ____ ____
    If “no” is answered to the statements above, the chair should discuss the use of an editor with the candidate. All candidates are required to hire a professional editor for the final editing of the dissertation; however, candidates who struggle with writing and/or APA may find it more economical to hire an editor up front as opposed to the cost of extra tuition incurred by going into an extension when drafts must be rewritten multiple times.

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