Drug use in Adolescents

    Drug use in Adolescents
    Create a draft of your survey in Microsoft Word. The survey should be about 10 minutes long. The topic of your survey should be something that is of interest to you. It could be the topic that you will be using for your final project in this course, or it could be a topic that you wish to use in future courses. You will have the option of using the topic to inform your capstone project in PSY 444. The topic should also be broad enough to enable you to find 10 scholarly resources and do a full literature review (not required in this course but useful for your capstone in the future) but specific enough to not overwhelm you with information. Some sample topics include gender differences in sexual attitudes, cultural influences on parenting styles, drug use in adolescents, and so on. Here are two websites on writing surveys that can provide you with more information about survey design: Survey Research and Designing a Survey. Please note that the data collected by your survey will and should not be used outside of this course or this term. The survey creation and data collection are educational exercises for the purposes of learning more about surveys as a research method.

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