Drug Addiction: Whenever you use ideas or knowledge obtained from any source other than your own mind, or our lecture

    For all writing assignments: Citations and references are required whenever you use ideas or knowledge obtained from any source other than your own mind, or our lecture. Citations and their references must always follow APA format. Always strive to cite your sources clearly in the body of your paper. Include a separate References page, AND ALWAYS ATTACH A HIGHLIGHTED PHOTOCOPY of the actual material you used (even if it is from our textbook). For the purposes of this class you may NEVER DIRECTLY QUOTE (never use the actual words of) ANY SOURCE. Put everything in your own original words and thoughts. Integrate their ideas into your thoughts and writing, and cite your sources throughout your papers.
    Plagiarism is the use of someone else’s IDEAS OR WORDS without giving proper credit. It is cheating. Plagiarism, or any other form of cheating on any test or assignment will result in immediate failure of the assignment, and thus, quite likely the course as well, and all penalties appropriate, including disciplinary action by TCC.

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