Dramas: Character Analysis – A character analysis is a specific type of formalist discussion that focuses on characters

    A character analysis is a specific type of formalist discussion that focuses on characters, while still incorporating other formalist elements into the investigation. For this paper, the focus will be on characters.

    You are a marriage counselor. Your job is to advise couples who are either looking to get married or are already married and are running into trouble. You have recently met with two people who want to get married but are unsure if they will make a good match. After meeting with them, you need to write a report on whether the couple should get married or not, providing various reasons based on what you know about the two people.

    While we are looking at three plays in this unit, this paper will focus on A Doll’s House and The Glass Menagerie. The characters you choose for this assignment are up to you. Choose two from the following: Nora Helmer, Torvald Helmer, Mrs. Linde, Nils Krogstad, Dr. Rank (assume he didn’t die or is not terminally ill), Tom Wingfield, Amanda Wingfield, Laura Wingfield, Jim O’Connor (assume he is not engaged to Betty). As this is 2014, don’t feel like you have to choose a man and a woman. Which characters you choose as the couple that comes to see you is your choice.

    Essay Requirements:
    • There are two goals of the essay:
    • To analyze the drama using drama formalist elements. DO NOT summarize (meaning to retell) the play in your papers. You must analyze using the formalist elements (primarily character formalist element, but include others).
    • Research is NOT required for this paper, however, if you do choose to use outside sources, you must use academic resources. Sparknotes, CliffsNotes, GradeSaver or any study guides, nor Wikipedia or free essay websites cannot be used as research for the papers in this class. You are encouraged to use Artemis.
    • The audience for the paper is an academic audience. Academic audiences expect very few (if any) sentence level errors and a professional, formal tone.
    • Essays must follow MLA format, both in appearance (Times New Roman 12 point font, double spacing, first page heading, pagination, etc.) and citation (works cited AND in-text citation). Refreshers on MLA format are in Week 2 of the Blackboard and Chapter 3 in your textbook.
    • The minimum length of the essay is 4 pages. Essays may exceed the minimum; however, do not go over ten pages. Essays shorter than 4 pages or over 10 pages will be penalized one grade (ten points). The works cited does NOT count towards page count.
    • 7. The minimum amount of sources required for this essay is one (your textbook). Students are encouraged to use more than this, but one is the minimum.

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