Draft research proposal & 5 slide power-point Presentation

    Topic: Draft research proposal & 5 slide power-point Presentation

    Order Description
    Assessment details
    To help you pace yourself with the research proposal for Assessment 5, and in order to get timely
    feedback on your progress with this major piece of work, you will submit a 1-2 page draft of your
    proposal. Furthermore, you will deliver a presentation that summarises your proposal, which you
    will share with your learning group.
    Your presentation should take the form of a short voice-over-powerpoint recording that is not
    longer than 3-4 minutes. The presentation should be supported by appropriate audio-visual aids
    that can help your learning group to get a feel for your proposal. You will need to submit a link to
    your presentation, posted to either Youtube or Vimeo (see the student toolbox for instructions on
    how to do this, if you are unfamiliar), to your group discussion board for the Week 8 thread
    discussing Assessment 2 presentations.

    Assessment criteria
    1. Conceptual understanding
    2. Background research
    3. Relevance to sociological knowledge
    4. Documentation, presentation and expression
    5. Conceptualisation and coherence.

    Key concepts have
    been identified and
    deployed. There is
    evidence of a highly
    developed and
    understanding of
    relevant concepts.
    Fluency in use of
    conceptual language
    is excellent.
    Outstanding critical
    analysis of the
    literature relevant
    to your direction.
    Outstanding linkage
    of background
    literature and
    research direction to
    Documentation is
    clear and supports
    the presentation
    well. The proposal is
    clear, logical and
    The research design
    and approach fulfils
    the conditions for a
    It also contains
    either original
    theoretical ideas
    and interpretations,
    or a novel approach
    which is
    illuminating, or in
    some other way
    demonstrates flair
    and insight.

    Attached is the document for assessment 5 as this proposal is a draft for assessmnet 5.

    Also attached is an example of what is expected for the 1-2 page draft proposal.

    In relation to the 5 Powepoint slides is it possible to use a computer generated Female voice possibly with Australian accent? sorry never done one of these before and
    don’t currently have powerpoint on my computer.

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