
    Discussion Question 1: Based on your readings and your current unit lesson, explain why you believe it is important to vary your approach to instructional design depending on your students or clients? Why is one approach not always possible when designing a unit lesson? Can one solution for every situation be appropriate when designing a unit lesson? Why or why not? Elaborate on your response.

    Discussion Question 2: When designing a unit lesson, it is sometimes necessary to “test” or evaluate your unit lesson multiple times before an actual decision is made to implement a specific design, project, or lesson. Is it necessary for instructional designers to come up with multiple testing methods? Why or why not?

    Assignment: Discussion Questions
    Your responses should be a minimum of two to three paragraphs i.e. 200 to 300 words. Support your responses with relevant citations, using proper APA format, both from the course materials, as well as outside resources. Post all discussion questions to the appropriate topic in this Discussion Area. Reflect on your learning from reading the course text—as well as other reading you may have done from the suggested bibliography—in your discussion postings. Be sure to use content and language that is consistent with the level of the course material. All written assignments and responses should follow APA rules for attributing sources.
    Assignment 1 Grading Criteria Maximum Points
    Responded to at least two discussion questions using course terminology, addressing relevant concepts in the expected format. 8
    Demonstrated the ability to apply theory and skills, and include specific and relevant examples and citations. 4
    Participated and interacted with two or more peers in each discussion area (Discussion Question 1 and Discussion Question 2 or 3 = 4 responses) by drawing conclusions about the results of others’ research, specifically, and by asking questions, providing statements of clarification, providing points of view with rationale, challenging points of discussion, or making relationships between one and more points of the discussion. 8
    Communicated ideas and opinions explicitly and clearly, bringing questions and observations to enrich the discussion. 4
    Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources, displayed accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. 4


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