Domestic violence

    Domestic violence

    identify three to five quantitative research studies from peer-reviewed sources which were published within the last ten years and that investigate a particular social science problem or topic. The Final Paper will focus on critiquing the varying statistical approaches used in each of these studies and assess the strengths and weaknesses of each as it relates to the study of the problem or topic identified.

    This week, utilize the Ashford University Library to select the three to five research studies which investigate the particular social science problem or topic you have chosen. Write a short summary of each of the studies. To be sure that each study meets the requirements for the Final Paper, address each question below as you summarize the article:

    •What topic is being investigated in this study?
    •What is the research question or questions being proposed in this study?
    •What or who is the sample being investigated?
    •What is the research or experimental design being used?
    •What statistical tests are being used in this study?

    The paper should be two to three pages in length, excluding title and reference pages. Include a reference page that lists the three to five quantitative research studies from peer-reviewed sources published within the last ten years and that adheres to proper APA formatting, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


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