

    It is very common for an individual to visit a doctor for various reasons. But we know that getting an appointment for any emergency is difficult these days. So, a user can use a graphical user interface to get an appointment with the doctor. During pandemic, we cannot afford to meet the doctor in person. So online consultation has become common. By using the graphical user interface, we can also consult doctor online and get prescriptions through an online portal. In this portal, we can put our requirements and search for accurate results for doctor, hospital, and timings. Therefore, by this everything can be done as fast as possible without even getting out of the house.

    This system is implemented because at a point a doctor or assistant will not be able to attend to every patient in critical times. Therefore, creating an online platform can help doctors, assistants, and patients. The online platform is designed in such a way that users can get an appointment with the doctor at any time and date they want. Available slots will be projected in green color and slots that are already booked are projected in red color. We can also provide an option to cancel the appointment at any time. The main advantage of this system can reduce the wait time of patients. Appointments can be as preferred. Slots booked will be clearly shown in the graphical user interface. But this can consume large database and also internet connectivity is mandatory.

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