Do you believe that it is rational for someone to actually vote in this country?

    Research Paper (6 points)–Students will be asked to write a three (3) page research paper that requires at least three (3) references on one of the topics passed out on the second day of class. Students must pose an argument to answer one of the questions from class that they will answer using evidence from the references they cite in their paper. The paper needs to be one and a half (1.5) spaces, use an 11 Arial font, and needs to include a reference page. Students will not be graded on the topic theychose or the belief they advance by their argument. They will be graded on writingan argument, properly citing references, providing a references page, using correct grammar, sentence structureand spelling, and on providing evidence that they edited the final paper.

    paper topic: Do you believe that it is rational for someone to actually vote in this country?

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