Distributed Systems

    Given: Merge Sort algorithm (Reference: Brassard and Bratley,
    “Fundamentals of Algorithmics”, pg. 228, among many other
    references). Design a parallel Merge Sort.

    Your program will run on a distributed computer system with
    the following properties:
    Number of processors P
    Memory per CPU M = 4GB
    Cycle time of CPU T = .5 nanosecond
    Register size R = 64 bits
    Local disk, bandwidth 320 MBytes/sec (Ultra-320 SCSI)
    size is (NFS drive size)/N
    Switched Ethernet network
    Latency L = 20 microseconds
    Bandwidth B = 1Gb/sec == 100 Mbytes/sec for messages
    larger than 32Kbytes
    Shared NFS drive, size D, bandwith same as network.

    You are free to chose the number
    of processors P and the disk size D. You may not need all the
    above information. If you feel you need some other system
    property, feel free to assume some reasonable value.

    Assume that the initial unsorted file F is on the shared NFS drive,
    and the final sorted file should also be on that drive. Each
    item to be sorted is 1024 bytes in length, and the file F has
    N such items. Comparing two items involves 32 1-byte comparisons.

    Merge Sort requires work space; this work space may be on the
    NFS drive, memory, or any combination.

    1. Parallel Merge Sort algorithm should be in the message
    passing, SPMD model with a fixed number of processes; assume the
    implementation will be in MPI. You do not have to provide
    code that may be compiled; pseudo code, outline or diagrams
    will be sufficient; however you should provide enough detail that
    a good programmer would be able to code your design.(See algorithm
    descriptions in Foster, Scott or Brassard and Bratley).

    2. Provide an argument to justify that your algorithm will not

    3. Estimate how your algorithm would perform on the computer
    system described above. Consider:

    -a. What minium file size (in bytes, number of elements, or both)
    is required for your algorithm to provide speedup on 2 processors?
    -b. How does the number of processors you would use depend on the filesize?
    -c. With P processors and file size calculated as above, what speedup
    would you expect?

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