Dissemination of research-based information and suggestions for application

    . Dissemination of research-based information and suggestions for application
    � Will specify target audience (e.g., policy makers, urban planners, community groups).
    � Will present some of the literature from each of the five modules covered in this
    class. Present the research in layman�s terms to persuade a particular audience to
    make a change in current policy, planning, etc. (this is the �How� part of this project)
    � Be specific in your goal for change (e.g., argue for the addition of greenspace near X,
    better management of greenspace for X and Y reasons, preservation of existing
    �wilderness,� etc.) and cite the literature to support every claim made (this is the
    �Why� part of the project). Presentation of the literature should be written TO the
    desired audience (not to your instructor).
    � Should be at least 3 pages (prior to the addition of images or graphics) of text that
    reviews the research literature. Magazine-style layout is strongly recommended
    (columns of text with graphics inserted throughout)
    � Incorporate images and graphics. Can be examples of your ideas.
    � Dissemination materials must be creative and likely to capture desired audience�s
    � Materials used and mode of dissemination of information must be clearly described.
    � Will include a bibliography of all literature cited using APA formatting. Must cite at
    least 10 sources

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