Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange

    Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange

    Order Description
    Disorders of Ventilation and Gas Exchange
    Emmanuel and his mother live in an urban community housing complex. The building is worn down and dirty from the urban dust, cockroaches, and mold. Emmanuel is five years of age and has suffered from asthma for the last two years. One evening, his mother poured him some milk and put him to bed. Shortly afterward, Emmanuel woke up wheezing and coughing. As he gasped for air, he became more and more anxious. His mother ran for his inhaler, but he was too upset and restless to use it. Emmanuel’s skin became moist with sweat, and as he began to tire, his wheezing became quieter. His mother called 911 and waited anxiously for the ambulance to arrive.
    1. Emmanuel uses a corticosteroid inhaler for the management of his asthma. What is the mechanism of action of this drug? How is its action different from the ß2-agonist inhalants?
    2. Why does someone with severe asthma become physically fatigued during a prolonged attack? What are the physiological events that occur during an attack?
    3. One of the complications of respiratory fatigue is the development of hypercapnia. How does the body compensate for an increase in CO2? What are the effects of hypercapnia on the central nervous system?

    Assignment Requirements:
    Before finalizing your work, you should:
    • Ensure you have written at least four double-spaced pages.
    • be sure to read the Assignment description carefully (as displayed above);
    • consult the Grading Rubric (under the Course Home) to make sure you have included everything necessary; and
    • utilize spelling and grammar check to minimize errors.
    • follow the conventions of Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.) it must be in APA format

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