Discussion 1 ROMANTIC SONGS

    Listen to two recordings of "Erlkonig," by Schubert and answer the following questions:



    · What roles is the singer singing?

    · Which roles are lighter, and which role(s) deeper and more authoritative?

    · What is the mood of this work? What is it about? Does the mood change? Explain your answer.

    · If you were going to describe this song to a friend, what would you say?

    · Which of the two singers do you think does a better job at explaining the story through song?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each question above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed.


    Listen to the recording of , by Chopin and answer the following questions:

    · How is rubato used by the pianist, and what effect does it have?

    · What is the mood of this work and how does it relate to its title?

    · If you were going to describe this song to a friend, what would you say?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each questions above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed


    Listen to the recording of , by Berlioz and answer the following questions:

    · What is the "Dies irae," and what does it represent in music? How does that fit the story of this symphony?

    · What is the mood of this fifth movement and how does it fit into the story of the symphony?

    · If you were going to describe this song to a friend, what would you say?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each question above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed


    Listen to the recording of , by Smetana and answer the following questions:

    · What is the character of the returning Moldau theme? Soft and gentle? Proud, playful, angry?

    · How many times is the theme played?

    · During which scenes (hunt, wedding, moonlight, or rapids) is the percussion section of the orchestra the most important, and why do you think percussion is effective in that scene?

    · What is the mood on reaching the city of Prague? Does the music sound like Smetana was proud of Prague or unhappy to arrive there?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each questions above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed


    Listen to the recording of Romeo and Juliet Overture, by Tchaikovsky and answer the following questions:

    (The recording can be found within the "Media Bank" of . Look under "Resources" to locate the Media Bank.)

    · What characters or events from Romeo ad Juliet do the primary themes presented in the exposition (first nine minutes) represent? What moods are connected with each character or theme?

    · In the coda, Tchaikovsky brilliantly has the love theme and the feud theme fighting each other. Which theme takes over the other, and how does that fit the story of the play?

    · If you were going to describe this music to a friend, what would you say?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each questions above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed

    Discussion 6 ROMANTIC CONCERTO

    Listen to the recording of Violin Concerto in E Minor, first movement, by Mendelssohn and answer the following questions:

    (The recording can be found within the "Media Bank" of . Look under "Resources" to locate the Media Bank.)

    · Does this solo violin part require a virtuoso to play it? Can you identify any particularly difficult things that the player does?

    · When is the cadenza played? Is it effective in featuring the soloist?

    · If you were going to describe this music to a friend, what would you say?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each questions above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed.


    Listen to the recording of , by Brahms and answer the following questions:

    · What is the text of this movement about? Does the music fit the mood?

    · Describe how the choir and orchestra work together and in response to each other?

    · If you were going to describe this music to a friend, what would you say?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each questions above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed;


    Listen to the recording of From the New World, Symphony no. 9 in E Minor by Dvorak and answer the following questions:

    (The recording can be found within the "Media Bank" of . Look under "Resources" to locate the Media Bank.)

    · What North American influences can you identify in this movement?

    · Describe the very beginning theme. What instruments play it first?

    · Describe the next two themes.

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each questions above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed


    Listen to the recording of "" From La Boheme by Puccini and answer the following questions:

    · Even if you do not have the translation, what is the mood of the music? Does it sound sad, hopeful or is the music foreshadowing her death?

    · This is one of the most famous operas of all time and the musical Rent is based on the same story, what is it about this story that makes it memorable?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each question above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed


    Listen to the recording of "" and finale by Wagner and answer the following questions:

    · The singer sings without amplification and she is competing against one hundred instrumentalists from the orchestra, how do you think she does that?

    · Do you think she projects well?

    · Do you think that a pop singer is trained to do that?

    · If you were to use this music as the background for the movie The Lord of the Rings, do you think that the music would fit certain scenes well? Why? Why not?

    · If you were going to describe this music to a friend, what would you say?

    In the body of the message, you will create a paragraph addressing each question above. The paragraph should be more than four sentences and should be unique in the words used and ideas expressed

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