
    30-400 due on Friday 6pm

    Please assume the perspective of Public Health Director at Local Health Department

    · Discuss the relationships between the Gulf oil spill and the public health performance management system (Figure 7.6 in Turnock).

    · Identify major obstacles, barriers, or challenges to mitigating public health risk from the perspective assigned to your team.

    · Generating a consensus statement by the end of the unit in which your team:

    · Negotiates the social, ethical, political, cultural, legal, and/or distributional factors related to the Gulf oil spill by providing recommendations that could better resolve similar challenges in the future. With your team, be sure to identify forms of cooperation, negotiation and/or compromise that would be necessary from your assigned perspective.

    Case Study 8 in “Public Health: What It Is and How It Works” by Turnock

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