
    The Role of Teachers in a Comprehensive Family Engagement Approach pp. 21-28

    you must paraphrase pertinent knowledge, identify the location of pertinent knowledge (page number or section), You will not receive points for your response if you do not relate every response to something you’ve read in that article. You cannot just “shoot from the hip” in responding to the prompt.

    1. Identify the 6 kinds of support that EC professionals need on the job to be successful.

    2. NAEYC suggests that every teacher is responsible for contributing to the program-wide support for families. Why?

    3. NAEYC suggests that every school/program needs a family engagement system. What is it? Why is it needed?

    4. What suggestions are given by NAEYC to help you create a welcoming environment at your school and in your classroom?

    5.Why is the manner in which program employees interact with families in person and on the phone so critical?

    6. What steps should be considered when planning engaging information meetings?

    7. What suggestions are presented for welcoming ALL families to the center/school?

    8. How do you plan and implement engaging and informative meetings for families?

    9. Which strategies mentioned in Chapter 2 can you try to implement at your school?

    10. Think of a time you joined a group (e.g., a fitness center, a book club, etc.) where you felt especially welcome. What do you think made you feel that way? How could you apply what you learned from that experience to your family engagement practices?

    11. Think of a time you joined a group (e.g., a fitness center, a book club, etc.) where you DID NOT feel especially welcome. What do you think made you feel that way? How could you prevent that from happening in the family engagement practices you are or will be planning?

    12. Choose two strategies from this chapter to share in this Discussion Board that you could also share with your colleagues and supervisors on the job. How might these strategies be adapted for your setting and the families with whom you work?

    13. What are some features of your program's family engagement system that are designed to support ALL families? What might you do to make them even more effective?

    14. What has week two of this semester made you more aware of regarding family engagement?

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