Discussion response Gerard/ intruct

    Discussion response Gerard/ intruct
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    1 hour ago Gilbert Zvobgo UKL1.INSTRUCTOR MANAGER Email Author
    RE: Week 8 Integration Question (IQ)
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    Business practices entail theories related to their practice. However, some prescriptions are not necessarily safe. Some may be dangerous and risky, and the theories adopted should be fit enough, logical and practical for the business. From the article, a sole business entity aims at joining partnership with the government that aims at helping those at the bottom social level.

    The idea behind success is based on thinking which is more hidden than how more it should bring light to the economy. This is hard to attain since the vision is more organizational based than viewing the human based vision. This will eventually lead to underestimation of human force and overestimation of organizational control.

    You have referred to many theories in your response to Garaad, but I was particularly interested in the above two paragraphs. Could you elaborate what you meant for the benefit of the class? In addition, how would you separate an “organizational based vision from a human vision?
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    Business practices entail theories related to their practice. However, some prescriptions are not necessarily safe. Some may be dangerous and risky, and the theories adopted should be fit enough, logical and practical for the business. From the article, a sole business entity aims at joining partnership with the government that aims at helping those at the bottom social level. As much as the entity is not a profit making organization, which will aim at improving social status through providing a cheap source of power to the people of Rwanda. From this, transaction cost theory is evident which aims at improving economy differently from the normal norm (Gill 2010). This theory influence practice, but on the other hand it is based on assumptions that the business will prosper regardless of low rate charges. Also, the economy is assumed to improve with the low rate but actually the tax burden will be faced by the citizens of Rwanda due to the almost free service offered to them.
    Another assumption is based on success, which is aimed at providing benefits to both producer and consumer (Nalep & Ujwary-Gil 2012). For any organization to break through in any market, it should be superior because of human opportunism in the market.Assumption of opportunistic is a tool for own self prophesy on the organization’s position in the market. With this, the organization is at risk of succumbing to the decisions they make and assume concerning the market either in the short-run or long-run (Murray & Block 67).The personal vision is based on assumptions that are not necessarily true and puts the organization at a risk of failure.
    The idea behind success is based on thinking which is more hidden than how more it should bring light to the economy. This is hard to attain since the vision is more organizational based than viewing the human based vision. This will eventually lead to underestimation of human force and overestimation of organizational control.

    Reference List
    Gill, T Grandon. 2010. Informing Business: research and education on a rugged landscape.Balton: Santa Rosa, Calif. : Informing Science Press
    Murray N. Rothbard, Walter Block. 1989, The Review of Austrian Economics, Volume 3, Issue 3. London: Ludwig von Mises Institute
    Nalepka, A., & Ujwary-Gil, A. 2012. Business And Non-Profit Organizations Facing Increase Competition And Growing Customers’ Demands. Nowy SaCz, WyzSza Szkola Biznesu – National-Louis University


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