Discussion post – Final Class Thoughts and Lessons Learned and


    Question 1

    1. As you look back on the course, we will conclude the last course discussion with the posting of your final thoughts about project management and allow you to have the final forum where you can articulate lessons learned from this course, book, and assignments.

    Initial PostFor your discussion, please comment on the following:

    • What aspects of project management did you find the most interesting? The most tedious?
    • What aspect of project management will you take to your workplace or apply in your daily lives?
    • What part of project management do you find the easiest to do or to understand? The hardest?
    • What are your personal plans regarding Project Management?

    Question 2

    2. Last week we tried out the Divider-Chooser Method. This week, pick one of the fair division methods listed below and test it out with people you know. (Make sure that you explain the procedure to the players before you try out the method. Maybe even let them do a trial run.) Tell us about the experience. Did all of the people believe that they received a fair division of the goods?

    The Lone-Divider Method, The Lone-Chooser Method, The Method of Sealed Bids, orThe Method of Markers.

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