Discussion of the limitations of the available data and ethical concerns related to those limitations.

    The purpose of this assignment is to analyze data and use it to provide stakeholders with potential answers to a previously identified business problem.


    For this assignment, continue to assume the role of a data analyst at Adventure Works Cycling Company. Evaluate the data associated with the drop in sales for the popular model “LL Road Frame-Black 60.” Provide a hypothesis on what could be contributing to the falling sales identified in the initial business problem presented by your manager.


    In 250-500 words, share these recommendations in a Word document that addresses the following.


    1. Summary of the business problem including the requestor who initially brought the problem to you.


    2. Summary of the data that were requested and how they was obtained.


    3. Discussion of the limitations of the available data and ethical concerns related to those limitations.


    4. Hypothesis of why sales of the popular model have dropped based upon data analysis. Reference the Excel file that summarizes the data findings that resulted from your queries.


    5. Recommendations for addressing the business problem.


    6. In addition to the report, the manager has requested that you submit the Excel files summarizing the data findings that resulted from your queries.


    7. The manager has also requested that you update the ERD you created in the Topic 5 assignment to include the tables generated as a result of the joins completed in the Topic 6 assignment. The ERD should clearly document the work stream and relationships.


    Compile the updated ERD, Excel data file, and Word document containing the SQL queries and answers to the questions into a .zip file and submit to your instructor.

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