Discussion board Questions

    1. Discuss some of the pros and cons of using iSCSI to connect to your storage network. Include how you can use iSCSI to also connect to backup devices in order to backup your data.

    2. Discuss what types of organizations would be good candidates for Dynamic Access Control and what level of control an administrator can have over access to the network.

    3. Discuss some of the pros and cons of using iSCSI to connect to your storage network. Include how you can use iSCSI to also connect to backup devices in order to backup your data.

    4. What is the difference between a full server and a custom configuration?

    5. What are the benefits of using Network attached storage and storage area networks.

    6. What is Claim Based control and what is it used for.

    7. What is the Netwrok File System and what is it used for.

    8. What is Global Object Access Auditing and what is it used for.

    Each post needs to be 100 words in length or more and if any information is used from other sites than in text citations and referneces need to be used. I dont want any plagarize work.

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