discussion/ blog

    discussion/ blog
    Directions: please read first and then write half page on each discussion/ blog


    #1. Healthcare IT

    After reviewing the definition of healthcare IT, please highlight in detail and discuss a few of the drivers to improving healthcare with the use of technology. Please share some of the technology you have found to support these efforts.


    #2. The financial impact of competition
    You are currently working at a large academic medical center in an urban community. For the last several weeks, you have heard that other health care organizations are looking to build within a 10-mile radius of your organization. Your CEO has asked you to research the other organizations and how their services are similar to and different from what you currently offer.
    Discuss the following questions:
    • What are some business and financial implications of the differences between community not-for-profit hospitals and large academic medical centers that may affect staffing, programs offered, and policies and procedures?
    • What financial impacts could result if a for-profit organization was built within your community?
    What are some of the financial benefits of being an academic facility rather than a not-for-profit facility?
    2-2 Blog: HITECH Act
    Research the HITECH Act. Blog about your opinion of this law. Do you agree with it? Should the government pass these types of laws? Do you agree with the incentives and the sanctions?
    For additional details, please refer to the Blog Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.
    2-3 Blog: Best Practice Components
    Explain the salient characteristics of various types of provider organizations, including mission, program goals and objectives, staffing requirements, and policies and procedures.

    For additional details, please refer to the Blog Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.

    Explain the salient characteristics of various types of provider organizations, including mission, program goals and objectives, staffing requirements, and policies and procedures.


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