Discussion 1 Kristin Blades

    Discussion 1 Kristin Blades Email this Author 6/7/2016 2:22:52 PM

    respond to this classmate

    The product I chose is Lincoln. Going through the strategies would be like this.

    Affective- Lincoln uses a celebrity, Matthew McConaughey, to make people think driving a Lincoln would make them feel free and less stress. Which appeals to a consumers emotions and what they want to feel.

    Brand Imaging- Again Lincoln appeals to consumers that owning a Lincoln is sexy and appealing.

    Unique Selling Proposition (USP)- Lincoln focuses on their sleek designs and quality of their vehicles.

    Resonance- Here Lincoln can relate to consumers by being affordable yet classy.

    Product or Brand Positioning- Lincoln can show how safe their vehicles are. This appeals to the consumers with families.

    Generic- Lincoln can state the facts about their vehicles. They have a variety of classy vehicles, their safety records are good, and they have a range of affordability.

    The company has different strategies to choose from, which is good, considering not all of the strategies may be right for that particular advertisement.

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