Discuss types of project risks and how they can be managed

    Lean Project Managemen           

    Please read directions carefully!

      Start answering a new question on a new page.  Use only one side of the paper.


      Please use 12-point font, Times New Roman, double-spaced, 1-inch margins all around.

      Answer questions in a thorough, I want three pages from each answer.)

    see MODEL FOR ESSAYS. All answers should be concise in intro – body – conclusion format with a strong thesis statement.    

     3 pages for each answer minimum.  No more than 4 pages per question.

    Consult the text by Leach for the first three questions but don’t limit your answer to Leach. Also consider PMBOK literature available online.

    1.           Discuss Principle 6: Project Risk Management. Discuss types of project risks and how they can be managed. Use a specific project or projects as examples of how the risks have been or should have been managed.  

    2.           Discuss Project Control Processes. Refer to PMBOK for guidance. (google PMBOK to understand what I mean by PMBOK)

    3.            Discuss at least TWO methodologies for identifying good solutions in a project.

    *        “Discuss” in the context means I want you to tell me what is going on inside your head, not merely re-phrase the text or other source.  I am not looking for you to copy what is in the text, but show me that you are thinking deeply on the topic.  Analyze or synthesize.  Refer to the model essay and to the guidelines for essay exams. 

    I encourage the inclusion of outside supporting material. 

    Please do not give me fluff.  This is a take-home, open-book, graduate-level exam so take some time and make it significant.  It is an individual assignment.

    Good luck.


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