Discuss the three major sociological theories that Macionis outlines in Chapter 1 of your text.

    Discuss the three major sociological theories that Macionis outlines in Chapter 1 of your text. Provide a definition for each and an example of how they are applied to social problems. Which of the three approaches do you prefer and why?

    2.Answer either a, b, or c for question 2.
    1.Discuss the individual characteristics and the social characteristics that contribute to poverty. Should society intervene to reduce poverty? If no, why not? If yes, what should we do and why? Provide examples from the course material to support your answer.
    2.Discuss the wage gap between the genders. Is it sexism or something else? Explain your answer, and support it with examples from the course material.
    3.Discuss the special problems associated with aging. In your opinion, what is the biggest problem that American society is facing in relation to aging? Suggest policy changes that could reduce the problem. Explain your answer, and support it with examples from the course material.

    3. Define the concept “institutionalized racism.” Do you agree that this exists in American society? Give examples from the course materials to support your answer.
    4.Discuss the concept of Community–Based Corrections. What are the various types of programs in this model? Compare this to the traditional criminal justice model. Which do you think is the better approach to handling crime in our society? Give examples from the course materials to support your answer.
    5.How do drugs become defined as illegal in the U.S.? Would legalizing drugs of all types reduce the social problems associated with substance use? Why or why not? Use examples from course materials to support your answer.


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