Discuss the impact of the process of Romanization on the Roman world.

    Rome and Romanization 




    This assignment gives you the opportunity to practice  determining the      purpose and function of artifacts in order to create your  interpretation of a     specific historical development—Romanization. 




    Discuss the impact of the process of Romanization on the  Roman world.      Identify at least two examples of cultural structures that were  patterned      across Roman-conquered cities. Cultural structures can include  physical      features of Roman-ruled cities, practices, policies, ideas, or any  artifact      that was used to shape the conquered religions. 




    Discuss how these structures impacted daily life, which  may include      politics, economics, or social roles. Describe how and with what  intent these     events were “memorialized” or used in the cultural arena. 




    Step 1: Choose two appropriate sources. At least one source must     come  from  the CSU Online Library. The Academic Search Complete and eBook  Academic Collection   databases in   the  CSU Online Library would be good  places to start your    search. If you need   additional help with using or  locating information in the   online library, there   are library video  tutorials available on the main page   of the online library   under the heading  “Research Guides.” Resources from    outside of the library   should be credible  and peer-reviewed and cannot    include  Wikipedia,   Biography.com,  History.com, any type of message board, or   other  similar   encyclopedias.  




    Step 2: Complete your research. Choose one interesting development     that  illustrates the main point that you want to make about your chosen     physical   structures, practices, or ideas. Gather details about your choice.     For example,   what types of buildings were first introduced in Rome, and why     were they   purposely replicated in other, smaller cities? 




    Step 3: Draw conclusions from the details you found, and prepare     your   thesis. A thesis is prepared after you have completed your research and     gathered  enough information about the chosen structures. You should sit back     to  think  about what it means to see the influence on culture. Your thesis      statement  should offer your reader the overall insight into the use and impact    of the  structure on Roman development. 


    Use the following guidelines to help decide on your  thesis. 


    •  Ask yourself about how the cultural element (idea, practice, or                    structure) was shaped by its time period and environment. 
    • Ask yourself how the structure impacted the lives of the people around it,                    the general public, and the immediately following period in    the         history   of       Rome. 
    • Find the perfect specific example to demonstrate the qualities of the                    structure you would most like to show. 


    Step 4: Write your essay. Your essay must be at least 500 words in     length.  All sources must be referenced and cited according to APA  guidelines.        


    Be sure to consider the following guidelines in your  essay. 


    •  The introduction should engage the reader and clearly present the                    essay’s thesis and summarize the main points that clarify your point    of       view.           The last sentence of the introductory paragraph    should be   your       specific         thesis. 
    • Organization should clearly present points arranged to illustrate your                    opening thesis. Paragraph order and organization should clearly        present       points       arranged to illustrate your opening thesis rather        than to   narrate     the       chronological story. 
    • Writing should be clear and concise with no spelling, grammatical, or                    punctuation errors. 
    • The number of sources should meet or exceed any expressed assignment                    requirements, and the sources should be peer-reviewed or academic in          nature.           At least one source must be from the CSU Online    Library.         
    • APA guidelines should be used for reference entries and in-text citations.                            

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