Disaster Resilience in the Rural and Regional Cities

    Disaster Resilience in the Rural and Regional Cities

    Sichuan Province, China (2008 Wenchuan Earthquake) Disaster Resilience in the Rural and Regional Cities

    It has been argued that ‘There is no such thing as a natural disaster’. Write a 1500 word paper that discusses and explores this claim in relation to your selected city and disaster. In your response
    highlight the impacts of disaster on vulnerable groups and places within your case study city. Support your answer with reference to the Literature and on-line data sources. In your response:

    i) Briefly describe the disaster and the city

    ii)Discuss the claim that ‘There is no such thing as a natural disaster’. What does this mean?

    iii) Support your response by describing and illustrating the impacts ofthe disaster highlighting the vulnerable populations and places within the city. Please support your response with reference to the literature and online data-sources.
    consult existing research widely. Please incorporate relevant secondary data (that is, data collected by other researchers or organisations, especially data relating directly to the city and disaster on which you are focusing). You may include graphs, tables, maps and or quotations from these sources. Make sure you identify and describe all sources of data and reference this correctly. When using images (of any type) make sure you discuss the significance ofthe images in relation to the themes and points discussed in the essay. Please ensure
    your work is 1.5 or double spaced. Please do not include images that you do not discuss in the paper.



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