Disaster Management 2

    Disaster Management 2
    (1) What went wrong with “Hurricane PAM?” What did participant organizations fail to do in order to use the experience to prepare for the real coming storm?

    (2) In the context of the Early Warning Systems (EWS), provide an assessment of how well EWS was leveraged to prepare for Hurricane Katrina?

    (3) Answer in 2 parts: 1) In the context of the “7 Pillars of Catastrophic Casualty Management,” how well did the healthcare and public health infrastructure prepare for the disaster? 2) Of the 7 Pillars, which one was the most glaring failure and which was proved to be the most dangerous?


    Part 2

    (1) Right before Katrina made land-fall, local and state planners agreed to use the Superdome as the “shelter of last resort.” Provide an argument for or against this decision. Be sure to provide evidence from the event that supports your position on this decision.

    (2) Consider the three major levels of response to the aftermath of the Katrina disaster (i.e., local, state and Federal government) and discuss how “siloization” impeded the ability to adequately conduct incident management


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