

    Required resource for question 5A:

    Read the report on Persons with a Disability: Labor Force Characteristics – 2010. This report was last modified June 24, 2011 and is currently the most recent report on disability and employment. The Bureau of Labor Statistics collaborates with the US Census for Labor Force statistics in addition to sending out monthly surveys.

    Read the report at this link: Persons With a Disability: 2011 Labor Force Characteristics


    Question 5B: Persons with Disabilities and Work

    There are multiple barriers and challenges for persons with disabilities who want to work but are unable to find employment. Some of these include, but are not limited to: lack of access to health insurance; architectural barriers; limited or no transportation; limited availability of personal supports; lowered expectations; and most of all societal ATTITUDES. Although our society is far from achieving the goal of full employment of persons with disabilities who desire it, there have been many success stories. Please review stories on the following Internet resources. Learn how persons with disabilities and employers worked together to further the employment of persons with disabilities.

    Assignment question 5B:

    Review all of the videos below. In your response, summarize what you feel the impacts of the videos are in demonstrating that persons with disabilities are an asset in the workplace. Refer to each video in your response. 100 word minimum, no maximum, for this response. If a transcript is not available and you need an alternate resource, please email me for suggestions. Some of these videos may have captions. Please note that not all of these resources used the preferred terminology but I have tried to include those that come close – click on links below in the required resources for question 5B. These video clips are just the tip of the ice burg for demonstrating the capacities of people with disabilities in the work world!

    Required resources for question 5B:

    Pathways to Independence personal stories from professionals with disabilities Pathways to Independence personal stories
    Walgreens Welcomes Disabled Workers Walgreens Welcomes Disabled Workers
    Tuscon Police Department Workers Tuscon Police Department
    Specialisterne, a thriving software company in Denmark Specialisterne
    Technology tools for employees who are Blind Technology for assisting Blind workers
    Image Microsystems, hires Deaf workers Hiring Deaf Workers
    Question 5C: Creative Solutions for Work

    In the previous question, we viewed success stories of persons with disabilities in the workplace and the efforts of employers. These stories demonstrated that motivation and positive attitudes reflecting abilities make a difference in improving employment outcomes for persons with disabilities. In your Discussion you will explore Asssitive Technology. Assistive Technology and accommodations increase work opportunities and promote job retention. In addition, Universal Design means that all people, whether or not with a disability, will benefit from barrier-free environments. Learn about Universal Design in the workplace for question 5C.

    Assignment question 5C:

    What is Universal Design? How does Universal Design improve the access in the workplace for people with disabilities? Cite examples from the article in the required resource below.

    Required resource for question 5C:

    Universal Design in the Workplace Universal Design in the Workplace

    Here’s the web address in case you have difficulty with the above link: http://www.dbtacnorthwest.org/_public/site/files/ada/documents/UD_Workplace_Final_02.pdf


    Question 5D – Online Resources for Work!


    Following is a list of just some of the extensive resources that will be future tools to promote inclusion and awareness for employment of people with disabilities. As you are now aware of through your journey in this course, the resources and materials are endless! It is beyond the scope of this course to be able to provide all of the resources that are available online as well as in print form. Below are some that I feel to be some of the best for understanding issues of work and disabilities.

    Q-5D: Briefly visit the resources below so that you become acquainted with them. Then, choose one or two to focus upon. In your response please discuss why you selected the resource and future applications for your work and life.

    Diversityworld: Enriching Workplaces and Reducing Employment Barriers

    Americans with Disabilities Act – ADA Homepage


    The Minnesota Business Leadership Network


    Family Village Employment Resources for Persons with Disabilities

    National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped
    Employment of People with Disabilities: A Resource Guide

    Your resources?

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