Digital Gallery Walk: Digital tool to use with ELLs and introduce the digital tool to the class Custom Essay

    Digital Gallery Walk: Digital tool to use with ELLs and introduce the digital tool to the class. See rubric below for additional guidelines and evaluation criteria.

    Once you have chosen the digital tool to use with your ELL students, discuss how you will use the tool in the classroom to help your ELLs understand concepts.

    write a 2 page paper (not including your reference page) explaining how this digital tool will provide support for your ELL students. Your essay will demonstrate your knowledge of ELLs learning process. You are expected to show that you have conducted research which ties back to your learning in this course.

    However, I choose Use Video With English-Language Learners
    choose just one strategy about video, as Back to the Screen it is great

    the sources they have to be academic sources and not too old write on your own words
    I will upload the rubric please read it first before you write!!
    also I will upload one source that I like it, and please search for other 3 sources and don’t forget to read the rubric before.

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