Digital Detox Report: Anthropological research paper about the student’s experience with a full day of digital detox

    This assignment involves writing a reflective, anthropological research paper about the student’s experience with a full day of digital detox. The assignment needs to be between 3 and 5 pages (double-spaces, 12-point font, 1-inch margin on all sides), excluding title page, bibliography and appendices. Follow the APA style throughout the paper, including the bibliography/reference list (consult:

    Section of the Digital Detox Report:
    ! Title Page: Each project must start with a title page. The title page should include the following information:
    ” Paper title
    ” Student’s first and last names, PID number, and email address
    ” Date of submission
    ” Name of instructor and teaching assistant
    ! Introduction: The body of the paper should start with an introduction that highlights the main arguments and findings from the digital detox exercise. The introduction can also provide a roadmap of the entire paper. [Page Limit: ½ – 1 page]
    ! Background & literature review: A rigorous and brief literature review is
    needed to provide the background for your own experience. Topics that can be covered in the literature review may include: digital detox, Internet
    addiction, digital addiction, social media addiction, and negative effects of using social media, among others. Please note that this is not an exhaustive list of topics that can be covered in this section. You may gear your paper toward something totally different, and that’s OK. As long as you’ve done rigorous work and can show that you have comprehensively reviewed the phenomenon based on existing literature, your report should be acceptable.
    Please note that you should use academic and scholarly references. These include: scholarly journals, industry report, polls, and new reports. To be clear, a literature review without at least five (5) scholarly journal articles will be poorly evaluated. You may use other sources, as long as they are credible. For example, basing you whole literature review on Wikipedia articles is NOT acceptable.
    [Page Limit: 1 – 2 pages]
    ! Findings: In this section, you need to report the findings from your experience of digital detox for a day. This section should include answers to the following questions:
    ” Describe what you did during your day of digital detox.
    ” How was the day of digital detox different from any other regular day in
    your life?
    ” How did you feel during the period you were away from technology for a
    ” How would you assess the success of your digital detox?
    ” What have you learned from the day of digital detox about your self? Theuse of technology? Your peers? Friends? Family?
    Note: Feel free to use any type of illustration to express what you’re trying to say. These could be tables, figures, drawings, etc.
    [Page Limit: 2 – 3 pages]
    ! Discussion & conclusion: In the discussion section, please provide:
    ” A summary of what you found and experienced during the day of digital
    ” Interpretation of your own findings and experience using the theories and studies reviewed in the literature review.
    ” Tips for more effective digital detox.
    ” Concluding remarks.
    [Page Limit: 1 – 2 pages]
    ! References: Provide a list of all references used throughout the paper. All references should be cited using the APA style.
    ! Appendix: Day of Digital detox diary: In an appendix, include a time-log of your day of digital detox. You may also include a time-log for a regular day prior or after the digital detox to draw clearer comparisons.
    ! OTHER appendices: Include any other materials that are relevant in additional appendices.

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