Differences between economic regulation, social regulation, and antitrust policy

    Step One: Begin your essay by describing the differences between economic regulation, social regulation, and antitrust policy.

    Step Two: Present and describe at least 2 examples of social regulations that are not mentioned in the textbook or notes, 1 example of

    a company not mentioned in the textbook or notes that has been subject to economic regulation, and 1 example of a company that has

    been accused of or found guilty of antitrust policy.

    Step Three: Next, explain when and why antitrust policies are necessary.

    Step Four: Using the internet, research the accusations that Google is a monopoly and the different antitrust court cases that have

    been held against Google.

    Step Five: After you have conducted your research, adopt and defend one of the following statements.

    Statement A: Google is a monopoly that unfairly dominates the search industry, undermines competition, and prevents competitors from

    surviving. It should be penalized monetarily and forced to change its business practices to enable other companies to compete.

    Statement B: Google should not be penalized for its success. Antitrust policy is a tool that should be used wisely in the interest of

    the public. Using it to punish Google would be unfair and only serve to discourage other companies from striving for success.

    Statement C: You may create and defend your own statement concerning whether or not Google should be subjected to antitrust law.

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