Diana Vreelands life in relations to Womens US History

    This paper will explore the life history of a Diana Vreeland BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY how HER LIFE relates to themes in WOMENS U.S. history.

    Dianna Vreeland was born in Paris but moved to the US at a very young age and lived most of her life in the US. The main objective of this paper is to relate her life to everything that women were going through politically socially economically etc since the year she was born(1903) to the day she died (1989). This paper is more about relating her life to womens history than it is about her personally. (it’s both)

    ********Think about what your study of womens U.S. history brings to your understanding of THIS woman’s life. What does THIS woman’s life add to your understanding of U.S. history?********

    The book that this paper should be loosely based on is called D.V. by Diana Vreeland- it should be able to be found online but if not it is available on iTunes for $11.99 and I am willing to pay if necessary.

    Please inform me of any questions about any of this.

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