DHS and the Law

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    Subject: Law
    Read and reply to the below discussion. Do you agree with the discussion or not? Why?
    1. Do you feel that the media are effective risk communicators? Why or why not? If you do not believe that the media are effective risk communicators, then to which of the three schools of research regarding the effectiveness of news media risk communication do you subscribe? 1) The news media are ineffective at informing the public of the risks they face because of media bias. 2) The news media are largely ineffective as risk communicators but the focus of blame falls on the public. 3) The media are ineffective at educating the public but still play a vital role in risk communications.
    When it comes to role of the media as effective risk communicators I do not feel they’re effective in that role. The media’s role in all issues related to public safety, politics, crime, and other social issues are all politically driven and deemed effective by what side of the fence you stand . Our cultural in centered around 24 hour news coverage on everything, and the bias of the media is this as destructive as a bomb waiting to go off. What is media bias? Media bias is a perceived notion that the press has and is pushing a specific viewpoint, instead of reporting news or airing programs in an objective way. Such bias often refers to media as a whole, such as a newspaper chain, or a given television or radio network, instead of individual reporters or writers of television shows. A large majority of the time the media itself puts the American public at risk because it divided the general public and encourages unnecessary debates about issues that really don’t pertain to every level of society. “Most Americans get their news from ABC, CBS, NBC, MSNBC, CNN and FNC. Others turn to newspapers like their local newspapers, the New York Times and the Washington Post. Unfortunately, most of these news sources are so biased they do not provide fair and balanced news that shows both sides of the story. This skewing of the news presents a skewed picture of the world and our nation to the American people and the world. People, who think they are informed, aren’t. It can be very frustrating trying to find the facts one needs to understand what is happening so that one may make an informed decision (Yahoo Article).” In my opinion this leads to an unhealthy society, and slows our growth as a nation. Our Media bias was never more evident during the 2012 Presidential election, and it was evident in every office building across the country. You could walk by an office and look at the new channel station and you can almost determine political afflation without speaking a word or striking up a conversation. I don’t think that’s good media when it’s used for those types of purposes, and this type of reporting is conducted on every social issue we face. Not only is it bias but it also destructive to future our future generations. There’s no fix to this situation because all media outlets are powerful, and backed at the highest levels of government depending on what side they’re reporting and supporting. I understand it’s almost impossible not to take a side in some of the things that are going on in society, but our media outlets need to work hard to guard against revealing their own opinions because these opinions can reveal bias simply through word choice or inflections and tone of voice when delivering news. We’re a strong nation, but we’re also a fragile nation on a lot of issues and the media needs to keep that in mind while during their jobs.

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