Devry BIS155 week 2 quiz

    Question 1.1.(TCO 2) An absolute cell reference:(Points : 2)

    causes a potential error.

    indicates a cell’s specific location and the reference does not change when you copy the formula.

    occurs when a formula directly or indirectly refers to the cell containing the formula

    contains both an absolute and a relative cell reference.

    Question 2.2.(TCO 2) In Excel, a function can be defined as a _____.(Points : 2)

    predefined formula that performs a calculation

    cell reference or a value

    list of values and defined names as you enter data into a spreadsheet

    set of rules that govern the structure and components for a formula

    Question 3.3.(TCO 2) =$E2-G$4 contains examples of _____ cell references.(Points : 2)





    Question 4.4.(TCO 2) Which of the following describes the SUM function?(Points : 2)

    Identifies the midpoint value in a set of values.

    Calculates the total of values contained in two or more cells.

    Calculates the arithmetic mean or average of values in a range.

    Displays the lowest value in a range.

    Question 5.5.(TCO 2) The MEDIAN function would identify the ____.(Points : 2)

    lowest value in a range.

    midpoint value in a range.

    highest value in a range.

    total number of cells in a range.

    Question 6.6.(TCO 2) Which of the following best describes the COUNT function?(Points : 2)

    Tallies the number of cells in a range that are not empty.

    Tallies the number of blank cells in a range.

    Displays the current date.

    Tallies the number of cells in a range that contain values.

    Question 7.7.(TCO 2) The NOW function would perform which of the following?(Points : 2)

    Contains another function embedded inside one or more of its arguments.

    Evaluates a condition and returns one value if the condition is true and a different value if the condition is false.

    Evaluates true or false.

    Displays the current date and time.

    Question 8.8.(TCO 2) A(n) _____ is tested in an IF function to determine if it is true or false.(Points : 2)





    Question 9.9.(TCO 2) Arithmetic operations, cell references, and _____ can be used in Excel formulas.(Points : 2)





    Question 10.10.(TCO 2) To simplify entering ranges in formulas, you can use _____.(Points : 2)

    range names

    a cell’s relative location

    both an absolute and a relative cell reference

    a cell’s specific location

    Question 11.11.(TCO 2) When calculating a PMT function, the RATE would be described best by which of the following?(Points : 2)

    It is the periodic interest rate, such as a monthly interest rate

    It is the total number of payment periods.

    It is a word or a string of characters that represent one or more cells.

    It is the present value of the loan.

    Question 12.12.(TCO 7) A _____ helps to ensure consistency and standardization for similar workbooks, such as detailed income statements for all 12 months in a year.(Points : 2)



    web query


    Question 13.13.(TCO 7) To unlock cells, click the _____ tab, then click Format in the Cells group and select Lock Cell.(Points : 2)


    page layout



    Question 14.14.(TCO 7) Which of the following file formats can store macros?(Points : 2)





    Question 15.15.(TCO 7) By default, Excel automatically _____ macros and displays a security warning when a file containing macros is opened.(Points : 2)





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