devoted to reaching an unreached people group – a cultural group that is less than 2% evangelical. For example, see the Tunisian Arabs at Custom Essay


    Due at the end of Module/Week 8, this project will be a 15–20 page paper devoted to reaching an unreached people group—a cultural group that is less than 2% evangelical. For example, see the Tunisian Arabs at:

    The purpose of this assignment is to consider the people group’s history and cultural background, to assess the history of mission work among them, and to analyze current mission strategies at work among them, and to develop a plan for reaching them with the Gospel.

    The write-up should include:

    • Background information (5–7 pages) on the people group (history, language, culture, economy, religion, family). Also, include a nice map detailing where they live.
    • A survey of missions work (5–7 pages) to this people (history of missions among them, the current status of the church, how many known believers, challenges, present strategies; if possible, contact a missionary presently working with this group).
    • Proposed strategy (5–7 pages). From the perspective of (1) a missionary going to them or (2) a missions organization beginning work among them or (3) a sending church sending laborers to work among them, propose a strategy. While biblical principles ought to be in place, the specific strategy should take into account the background information on the people group and the survey of past and present missions work among the people. Finally, your project should take into consideration the articles in Winter and Hawthorne, Perspectives, chs. 84–136.

    The paper should conform to current Turabian (see attached guide in Blackboard) and include a title page, table of contents, section headings, footnotes, and a bibliography. See the project rubric for more specific grading criteria. As your paper should include 6 scholarly sources, some good places to start include:

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