Deviant Behaviors

    The material that should be to answer these questions should come from the Books: Cura, John. 2011.The Relativity of Deviance 2nd Edition. Pine Forest Press.
    AND Goode, Erich and D. Angus Vail. 2008. Extreme Deviance. Los Angeles: Pine Forest Press
    Outside information is ok as long as it is cited but preferably most of answers should come from the readings in the two books listed.


    This is the final paper for class and should be typed in 12 point Times New Roman font.
    Double spaced. Name will be placed in the header with the page number.
    When typing this paper be sure to use the following format for every question:
    Section______: Type the question you are answering
    Then answer the question.
    A reference page and internal citations is expected. If you use videos as support for an answer be sure to note that as well.

    SECTION ONE: You must answer all of the questions in this section. You can do this in an outline or essay form. Please address all the parts of the question and answer as fully as you can. If you use resources please note the resources with internal citations.
    1.) Discuss the relationship between Social Power and Deviance.
    2.) Discuss why it is helpful to view deviant behavior in terms of roles.
    3.) Discuss social norms. Some people have argued that social norms were designed to ensure society’s survival and to protect its members from harm. Is this true? Is this why some forms of behavior have been condemned?
    4.) Describe the normative, statistical, absolutist, and reactivist conception or definitions of deviance. Provide an example of each.


    SECTION TWO: Choose three of these questions and answer them in essay format. Each answer should be one to two pages. Please address all the parts of the question and answer as fully as you can. If you use resources please note the resources with internal citations.
    1.) Jim is a member of a swingers group. He and his wife go to swinger parties where they have sex with different sex partners. Discuss how Jim and his wife might utilize all of the different techniques for managing stigma.
    2.) Is suicide universally condemned? If so, why? If not, provide examples of the lack of universal consensus in different places over time. (It may be helpful to use Durkheim’s views when addressing this question).
    3.) Tattoo Collectors and modern primitives share some practices and differ in others. If you were explaining the world of “extreme tattooing” to someone who knows nothing about it, how would you explain the differences between two different segments of what seems like an unified world? Your answer should include a discussion of labeling the self and identity work.
    4.) People who claim to have been visited by E.T’s are often labeled as mentally unbalance, but when “normal” people recount odd dreams to one another, very few would consider these dreamers mentally ill. What is the sociological difference between an “abductee” and a “normal” person? Your answer should include a discussion of Primary and Secondary deviance as well as “master status”.
    5.) How do the popular, “insider” and sociological views of S&M differ? Discuss the implications of these differences. (Using Goffman’s concept of Framing may help answering this question)

    SECTION THREE: This is the final question. You should use this question to display your knowledge about the sociology of deviant behavior. Its expected to be 2-3 pages to fully address the question. If you use resources please not the resources with internal citations.
    1.) Choose one of the topics from the chapters of the books we used for the class. Using one of the Theories of Deviance describe your chosen topic and how it is situated in the Sociology of Deviance. You can use images and icons from popular media to help bolster your discussion.


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