development throughout the nineteenth century

    Select a category from the following list and write an essay that outlines and exemplifies some of the the main steps of its development throughout the nineteenth century, including how it was shaped by the ideas of the period in which it developed:



    below is one topic, if you wish to pick a different topic (I.E one found in the attached task sheet) then just let me know which you are doing, I don’t mind

    Select a category from the following list and write an essay that outlines and exemplifies some of the the main steps of its development throughout the nineteenth century, including how it was shaped by the ideas of the period in which it developed:
    works based on the sonata principle;
    the lied (or other national-linguistic equivalents, such as mélodie (French), romans (Russia), 
or art song (English), etc.);
    program music;
    chamber music;
    piano miniature;
    choral music (chose either sacred or secular);
    The essay should include three specific case studies of exemplary works. You will need to choose the case studies yourself (although I am happy for you to run selections by me). Try to space them chronologically as representatively as possible; at the same time, to limit your task, I would encourage keeping your essay within the confines of a particular national tradition, even if you do not select one of the song categories.

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