Development of resuscitation through medieval times (from the sixteenth century)

    Development of resuscitation through medieval times (from the sixteenth century)
    · you may want to work chronologically, or address the development of the concepts of CPR by concepts, ie work through the development of airway, breathing, circulation, defibrillation…
    · much happened over these few hundred years as the scientific age was dawning and information could be shared more readily with the rise in literacy and the printing press.

    3. Development of resuscitation over the last century – 10 marks

    · This may be a smaller section as much work tended to build on the last few hundred years, hence I’ve suggested fewer words. Remember that this is only guide, though. Some important concepts were consolidated in this era, and you may well find more than what I did, so go where the information takes you (as long as it’s relevant of course!).
    4. Most recent developments and rationale –

    4.1 Governing bodies (4 marks)
    Who decides what we do in CPR? How do they decide it?
    4.2 Current principles of CPR
    Chain of survival
    Compression only CPR
    Importance of compressions


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